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AI-MD SDK Documentation


The AI-MD SDK allows developers to quickly add AI-MD's symptom checker, including a basic vitals face scan, to their application. It is available through a cloud connection to AI-MD's API at


Please contact AI-MD for an API key generated for your client user. Once registered, provide the API key in the Authorization header to all HTTP calls made to the API:

Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: YOUR_API_KEY

If authorization is unsuccessful, you may receive one of the following status responses:

Error Response Troubleshooting
401 Unauthorized {"detail": "Not Authenticated"} Please check if the Authorization header was passed correctly and the request URL is a valid route.
401 Unauthorized {"detail": "Invalid API Key"} Please ensure the API key is correct.

Symptom Checker

To access the symptom checker, send a POST request to the assessment URL: The JSON body send with the POST request should contain the user's device type, user demographics and symptom data:

Parameter Name Description Possible Values
device_type The user's operating system (for the face scan). WINDOWS,LINUX,ANDROID_PHONE,IPHONE
demographics User demographics JSON object (see keys below).
demographics.age User age. Integer (years) between 13-120
demographics.gender User sex assigned at birth. male,female
demographics.height User height in centimeters. Integer (cm) between 120-220
demographics.weight User weight in kilograms. Integer (kg) between 30-300
symptoms (optional) Symptoms details JSON object (see keys below). If not entered, symptom analysis will not be done.
symptoms.description (optional) A detailed description of user symptoms. String
symptoms.started_at (optional) Datetime when user reports symptoms started. Datetime in ISO format with timezone (UTC)

Example Request body with symptoms (JSON):

  "device_type": "WINDOWS",
  "demographics": {
    "age": 30,
    "gender": "male",
    "height": 180,
    "weight": 80
  "symptoms": {
    "description": "I have a sore throat which has become painful, and experience a delibitating cough intermittently throughout the day. My chest also hurts.",
    "started_at": "2024-06-11T01:46:10.630Z"

Without symptoms:

  "device_type": "WINDOWS",
  "demographics": {
    "age": 30,
    "gender": "male",
    "height": 180,
    "weight": 80

Example Request

curl -X 'POST' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "device_type": "WINDOWS",
  "demographics": {
    "age": 30,
    "gender": "male",
    "height": 180,
    "weight": 80
  "symptoms": {
    "description": "I have a sore throat which has become painful, and experience a delibitating cough intermittently throughout the day. My chest also hurts.",
    "started_at": "2024-06-11T01:46:10.630Z"


If the request is successful, a 200 status response will be returned containing a redirect_url for the face scan, as well as a session_id to identify the unique assessment:

  "redirect_url": "",
  "session_id": "abc..."

Please redirect the user's browser to this URL to complete the face scan, and store the session_id for session identification upon completion (see Redirect URL below).

Redirect URL

On registration with AI-MD, you provide a redirect URL to receive the symptom checker results. Upon completion of the assessment, the user's browser will redirect to your provided redirect URL with two query parameters:

Parameter Name Description
results base64-encoded JSON string. On decoding, will consist of:
a vitals key consisting of user's vitals measured by the face scan.
If symptoms were provided, a conditions key exists with possible diagnoses.
session_id A string to identify the assessment that was provided with the redirect_url.